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The Easter story is bigger than we imagine, writes Alberta author and theologian Mark Buchanan
L'histoire de Pâques est plus grande que nous ne l'imaginons, écrit l'auteur et théologien albertain Mark Buchanan
The surprising blessing of writing obituaries. By Vancouver writer Julie Lane-Gay, author of The Riches of Your Grace: Living in the Book of Common Prayer.
La surprenante bénédiction de rédiger des nécrologies
A Liberal and a Conservative both argue against privatizing beliefs
Minor characters matter in telling the Christmas story, writes Maxine Hancock.
The courageous leadership of Anu George Canjanathoppil, CEO of International Justice Mission Canada, is invigorating antislavery work.
Our call as Christians to support the women of Afghanistan. An advance look at a special report by Molly Thomas appearing in print in our Jan/Feb 2025 issue.
Le leadership courageux d'Anu George Canjanathoppil, directrice générale de International Justice Mission Canada, ravive le travail de lutte contre l'esclavage
Canadians look ahead to collaborating at Lausanne 4 in Korea
Lausanne's State of the Great Commission Report is a call for the Church's innovative response. (See related article The Church's global future.)
Les Canadiens se réjouissent de collaborer à Lausanne 4 en Corée
Le rapport de Lausanne L'état de la Grande Commission est un appel à une réponse innovante de l'Église. (Voir l'article connexe L'avenir mondial de l'Église.)
Author Lynda MacGibbon reflects on meeting a cabbie named Emmanuel, on the miraculous catch of fish in Luke 5, and astonishment in our lives today. (Aussi disponible en français)
Comment pouvons-nous saisir l'œuvre mystérieuse et surprenante de Dieu autour de nous ? Lynda MacGibbon y réfléchit.