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28 April, 2022
Why wasn’t Jesus enough?

To end abuse we need Jesus to help us face our humanity

28 April, 2022
Hospitality for anyone

The pandemic has shown us it can be easy to be inviting

03 March, 2022
The life-cycle of worship songs

A new study suggests they’re sung today and gone tomorrow. Plus: Three Canadian worship leaders and musicians reflect on what it all means.

02 March, 2022
What we’ve learned from online worship

We’ve been doing this for a while. Let’s pause and take stock.

02 March, 2022
Ce que nous avons appris du culte d’adoration en ligne

Nous faisons cela depuis un certain temps. Prenons une pause et faisons le point.

01 March, 2022
Le changement climatique, un défi à relever

Notre auteur a assisté à la conférence des Nations Unies en Écosse et nous livre ici ses réflexions

01 March, 2022
Indigenous and Christian

Graduate school continues to break new ground

01 March, 2022
Challenged by climate change

Our writer attended the UN conference in Scotland and shares his reflections

28 February, 2022
Qu'y a-t-il sur votre liste d'écoute ?

Pourquoi nos églises doivent inclure les lamentations

06 January, 2022

How saying goodbye has changed and why it matters. An essay by Tim Perry

06 January, 2022
Les funérailles

La façon de dire au revoir a changé et pourquoi c'est important. Un essai de Tim Perry

03 January, 2022
To say goodbye

Reflections from Faith Today writers about funerals they have attended

17 November, 2021
Unwrap your church this Christmas

Tips on making the most of seasonal outreach opportunities