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An extended review of the 2022 book by James K. A. Smith
What Christians can make of this loaded term
"My paintings are an invitation to pause and consider the invisible, the intangible and the mysterious, to reflect on the sacred space within each one of us."
Bethanee Jensen owns and operates Shepherd’s Fold, a sheep farm near Belgrave, Ont. Faith Today writer Amy Gabriel asked her how her work gives her perspective on Psalm 23.
Good questions we can ask ourselves, according to Ontario financial advisor Colin Kirby
Columnist Bruce Clemenger reflects on our witness to the sovereignty of God.
How should pastors respond to parishioners who choose medical assistance in dying? EFC president David Guretzki says it's time to figure that out.
Comment les pasteurs doivent-ils répondre aux paroissiens qui choisissent l'assistance médicale à mourir ? David Guretzki estime qu'il est temps de répondre à cette question.
Le chroniqueur Bruce Clemenger réfléchit à notre témoignage de la souveraineté de Dieu.
Creative ways to love our neighbours
How good are we at forgiving, rebuking, saying sorry and the like? Let’s reflect together in this new series.
Mar/Apr 2023 features: expansion of MAiD for mental illness paused; appreciating small churches; the cross as a model for politics; reconstructing theology in a group home; interview with new EFC president David Guretzki
During wartime, how do we relate to fellow Christians who stand on the other side of the divide?
How good are we at expressing disagreement, saying sorry, being humble, forgiving and rebuking? Let’s reflect together in this new series.
Salim Munayer, a resident of Jerusalem and regional Peace and Reconciliation Network coordinator, reflects on the 2023 procession.