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Columnist Bruce Clemenger reflects on the assurance of the gospel
Chroniqueur Bruce Clemenger réfléchit sur l'assurance de l'Évangile
Le chroniqueur Bruce Clemenger nous livre ses réflexions sur la manière de vivre à contre-courant de la culture en tant que Corps de Christ.
Columnist Bruce Clemenger reflects on living counterculturally as the Body of Christ.
The power of a soft tongue
Le pouvoir d'une langue douce
S'occuper des affaires de notre Père
Going about our Father’s business
In the midst of turmoil and in a fractured and divisive society, what will be our witness?
Challenging indifference and willful blindness
A time to lament, a time to heal
Rising above the pandemic in ordinary acts of service to one another
Resilient praying and caring communities are essential
Sound habits for unusual times
Enabling public witness amid diversity