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09 April, 2021
Hope through the pandemic: An FT invitation to create

Send us your hopeful artistic creation by June 30, 2021.

08 April, 2021
Awards for excellence in 2020

Our team earned six first-place awards from the CCCA last night, and placed in eight additional categories.

06 April, 2021
Lavish hospitality: Drawn into redemption’s drama

Ramadan will take place from April 13 to May 12, 2021. God invites us to take part in His story of redemption in the Muslim world through dedicated prayer. Will you join in?

18 March, 2021
Entrepreneurship augments charity

Three ministry examples that show how we can move beyond pure charity to equipping others to help themselves.

08 March, 2021
Seeing past outward appearances

God calls us to value people just because God created them, not because of gender or race. How are we building relational bridges in response to that call, asks Claire Odogbo.

02 February, 2021
Unlearning and relearning love

“Love your neighbour as yourself” (Mark 12:31).

29 January, 2021
Mental health medications and stigma

How would you respond if a doctor told you they are going to prescribe something to help you cope with your emotions or your racing or depressive thoughts?

22 January, 2021
How design can help the online church

Some expert advice to help us improve our services.

18 January, 2021
Top 10 content at Faith Today in 2020

What were the most read articles and most visited webpages of the year? Find out here.

14 January, 2021
Recognition: New songs from Carolyn Arends

Her reflective songwriting helps us mature in faith, argues veteran columnist John Stackhouse

21 December, 2020
The loneliness vaccine

We are all alike in the core pain of what we are experiencing, writes Tim Huff. We are lonely for one another.

17 December, 2020
Family health in the pandemic

Christian sociologist Todd Martin reflects on resilience during Covid-19

16 December, 2020
A motto for Christians in the pandemic

“Take it seriously, take it easy, take it to the Lord.”

10 December, 2020
Finding life after a Covid layoff

As a temporary layoff shifts to a permanent one, will making the right choices restore some balance and make me feel safe?

04 December, 2020
A simple word of gratitude

Just before American Thanksgiving The New York Times asked its readers to tell what they were thankful for. Ten thousand people responded.