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04 November, 2020
Rethinking local church ministry during Covid

What do we make of the challenges in pastoral care and discipleship exposed by the pandemic? Ottawa pastor Doug Ward reflects.

29 October, 2020
A walk through the latest album by Steve Bell

Veteran columnist John Stackhouse recommends "Wouldn’t You Love to Know"

28 October, 2020
Seeing love in action at Thai orphanage

“Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love,” as Mother Theresa, who devoted her life to serving poor people in India, once said.

23 October, 2020
The secret ingredient for making pastors

Maritime pastor Jim Molloy shares how his disastrous first sermon turned out to be a blessing and taught him something vital. Reprinted with permission from Sage magazine.

01 September, 2020
How are we really doing in terms of resilience?

Professor Bill Strom reflects on his study "Weathering Well: Relational Resilience During the Covid-19 Lockdown."

30 July, 2020
Wilderness and beyond

As it was with Hagar in her wilderness, God comes to find us asking us the same questions: Where have you come from? Where are you going? A reflection by Elaine Pountney.

13 July, 2020
Ministering to seniors with home Bible study

Stand up in the presence of the aged, show respect for the elderly. (Leviticus 19:32)

09 July, 2020
Practising hospitality from home

How prioritizing welcome has shaped the lives of a Toronto couple.

27 June, 2020
I’ll still celebrate Canada - A renewed Indigenous perspective

I am a Canadian Indigenous man who is a Sixties Scoop survivor.

24 June, 2020
Being the Church when we can’t be in the church

To be honest, it astounds me that every Sunday morning I drop what I’m doing to log into Facebook in time for the first hymn, and to see the comments scroll by full of hello's from all the people in my congregation. W...

19 June, 2020
More profiles of ministry pivots in the pandemic

We’re publishing some examples of Christian groups trying new things in the pandemic, but we didn't have room in our Jul/Aug print issue for all the great stories. Here's one in Surrey and one in Toronto that you can ...

15 June, 2020
Dear church, about living on $2,000 a month or less

I’m not receiving CERB, but I’ve lived on the equivalent, or less, for most of my adult life. I’m used to bringing this sometimes-difficult part of my life to church. Some Christians are still adjusting to this. Here’...

12 June, 2020
Creative lockdown ideas

Using our imagination can help us be more ready to love our neighbour when pandemic restrictions return.

10 June, 2020
Reopening our homes and churches – and our hearts

We can tweak as we reopen our homes, our churches and our families, and even our hearts.