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This week at Christian Life Assembly we're working to get another load of 30,000 lbs of supplies prepared and sent to Merritt, B.C., to help as people prepare to return.
As we move forward, it’s easy to want to shake off this time and forget about it. But that does us a disservice, writes Ilana Reimer.
Stories are beginning to come out about how churches are helping respond to the floods in B.C.
The online version here is longer than the one in the printed magazine. Is there a gift catalogue missing from your favourite Canadian Christian charity? Let us know and we'll add it.
Why is it that a sermon entitled "God Is Good" doesn’t have the same punch as a sermon entitled "God Is Great," asks Larry Hurst.
Inspiration from the example of the author of Dead Man Walking, who came to justice work late in life.
Jesus set an example for us of the importance of rest, writes Rev. Amanda Currie of Regina.
What thoughtful civic engagement can look like and how to begin
We need the complex protein of Romans as well as the natural sugars and vitamins found in the easier to digest Gospels.
An expert on pastoral health points us to the physical and mental habits that fight burnout and instead reignite a zest for life
When we experience a letdown after a sustained crisis, we may not be able to re-activate in ways we had envisioned. Rest, gentleness, talking, and fixing our eyes on Jesus can help.
The journey of James Peters at first sounds sadly familiar – Indigenous child taken from his family and abused in foster care only to end up on the streets of Toronto – but then God's intervention became apparent.
A Canadian Christian organization that helps people with diseases like leprosy is making a difference in India, reports Rebecca Collett of Effect Hope.