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24 August, 2021
Three pages a day to read the Bible in a year

We need the complex protein of Romans as well as the natural sugars and vitamins found in the easier to digest Gospels.

09 August, 2021
Staying motivated during a pandemic

An expert on pastoral health points us to the physical and mental habits that fight burnout and instead reignite a zest for life

05 August, 2021
Preparing for the post-pandemic letdown

When we experience a letdown after a sustained crisis, we may not be able to re-activate in ways we had envisioned. Rest, gentleness, talking, and fixing our eyes on Jesus can help.

28 July, 2021
A life of pain renewed by the Creator

The journey of James Peters at first sounds sadly familiar – Indigenous child taken from his family and abused in foster care only to end up on the streets of Toronto – but then God's intervention became apparent.

20 July, 2021
Ministry brings vaccines to the most vulnerable in India

A Canadian Christian organization that helps people with diseases like leprosy is making a difference in India, reports Rebecca Collett of Effect Hope.

12 July, 2021
Hope through the pandemic contest - Poetry and prose entries

Ten poetic and four prose entries in our non-competitive call for hopeful art! Plus an audio article and music video.

12 July, 2021
Hope through the pandemic contest - Visual entries

Check out these entries to our non-competitive call for hopeful art! Click an image to display at full size.

09 July, 2021
Faith Today writers named for awards - 10 are shortlisted and 5 win

Congratulations to all the writers whose work was named in The Word Awards this year. Ten from Faith Today were shortlisted. UPDATE: Five were announced as winners Sept. 25.

07 July, 2021
New director at Baptist mission agency reflects on new strategy

Fellowship International has been shifting from a church planting model to a disciple-making model.

07 July, 2021
Every life is valuable from conception to natural end

In his book Made to Live, Montreal physician Paul Saba gives examples of families and patients who chose life over death, despite the challenges. The book is inspired by his experience with his own daughter, who docto...

24 June, 2021
Christian school community in Quebec breaks ground

Quebec City's solitary independent Protestant elementary and high school is growing, according to a report reprinted from Christian Renewal.

24 June, 2021
Mise en chantier d’une communauté scolaire chrétienne à Québec

Selon un rapport reproduit de Christian Renewal, la seule école primaire et secondaire protestante indépendante de la ville de Québec est en pleine croissance.

14 June, 2021
London church joins vigil for victims of vehicle attack

A London, Ontario church is being present in the midst of the tragedy that has rocked their city.

24 May, 2021
Online generosity: Celebrating the virtual offering

How can a church celebrate the offering in an online worship service when there is no plate to be passed?

20 May, 2021
When spoken words give life

Christian-themed audio books for people with blindness or a "print disability"