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05 June, 2020
No more drumming up peace

We cannot move ourselves to the place of no fear. But the good news is that God can, writes novelist Serenity McLean.

29 May, 2020
Pandemic relieves us from the burden of producing results

Now is the time to be grateful for what we have, to appreciate beauty in small things, and to acknowledge the transitory nature of everything in our experience, including our very lives, writes Doug Koop. 

03 April, 2020
Leading through grief and loss

More than ever, we need Christian leaders who are emotionally and physically prepared and thinking creatively to minister differently to those who are grieving, writes Sharon Simmonds of Arrow Leadership.

01 April, 2020
Easter Poems 2020

Poems by contemporary Canadian poets. Starting a new annual tradition at Faith Today.

18 March, 2020
Notes from *Mobilizing Our Churches Amidst COVID-19*

Resources for churches planning their response to the COVID-19 pandemic. That was the topic of an online conversation today by the Jesus Collective church network. Here are some helpful notes.

02 March, 2020
Welcoming international students

Christian post-secondary institutions in particular are called to reach out, writes Dannie Brown of Crandall University.

27 February, 2020
How to build trust in your workplace

Wisdom from Barry Slauenwhite, the Canadian regional director for the Best Christian Workplaces Institute.

07 January, 2020
From house to sailboat dwelling

Mission leader Grace Fox and her husband Gene live on a 48-foot sailboat in Richmond, B.C. She writes about experiencing "God’s transitional grace."

18 December, 2019
The difficult transition into retirement

After four decades as an ordained Pentecostal pastor, I didn’t know how to be a layperson, writes Garry Milley.

11 December, 2019
Pentecostal church and Mennonite group respond to B.C. flooding

Need for long-term recovery work from 2018 flooding met by Mennonite Disaster Service and River Valley Community (Pentecostal) Church

12 November, 2019
Experiencing Israel, by someone who grew up there

The Sea of Galilee is mentioned in the of Gospel accounts of the life of Jesus, but as a child I knew it better as a place where you could run on the promenade and skip stones on the water.

17 October, 2019
What are you retiring to?

After a lifetime of experience, it’s time to exhale what you’ve taken in, suggests Christian business federation leader.

29 August, 2019
Forgetting can be part of abundant life

When life is overflowing with poignant encounters, it’s okay that we can’t contain them all, writes Winnipeg hospital worker Doug Koop

21 August, 2019
What I learned caring for seniors

Being a chaplain often involves listening to your heart and being directed by your soul – but also being willing to listen, writes Sue Wilkinson of Toronto.

15 August, 2019
You saved my life - Outgoing leprosy mission director reflects

Effect Hope is a 127-year-old Christian ministry, working to free people from tropical diseases in India and west and central Africa.