Jul/Aug 2024 features: Interrupted by astonishment; Immigrant churches imagine their futures; Congregations experiment with their calling; How to care for a grieving person; Ramping up food aid; and more
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Cover story
Interrupted by astonishment. When God works in surprising ways. By Lynda MacGibbon
Immigrant churches imagine their futures. Ethnic church communities reflect on missional change across generations. By Elsie Lo
Congregations experiment with their calling. Program equips Vancouver area congregations to reflect and try something new. By Ilana Reimer
Ramping up food aid to meet rising need. Christian aid leaders develop new models of aid, lobby for housing and income supports. By Irene-Grace Bom
Nurturing musical gifts. Contemporary Christian musicians face increased challenges. By Chris Ellison
Bookstore deaths not universal. Christian booksellers persist in Canada. By David Donaldson
The FT interview: One on one with author (and Faith Today co-editor) Karen Stiller about her new NavPress book Holiness Here: Searching for God in the Ordinary Events of Everday Life
Fellowship skills series. How to care for a grieving person. By Brianna Matchett
In each issue
Behind the scenes. Voices that strengthen the Church. We can all benefit from constructive conversation. By Bill Fledderus and Karen Stiller
Talking points. Readers write, Milestones, Contributors
News. Notes. Ideas
- Plant a Row for Us. Chilliwack church encourages homegrown donations.
- Harvest Hands grows. An abundance of surplus food delivered to Ontario charities.
- Into the Light. Documentary, ministry fight pornography use.
- EFC Ottawa office opens. Joins Toronto studio in offering creative space to affiliate organizations.
- Henri Nouwen Society's latest digital initiatives. Removing distractions to forming spiritual community.
- Toronto ministry connects Jews with Jesus. 12 countries, 25 mission teams.
- Faith trends. Snapshot of voting intentions.
- Inspiring ideas: Erasing the stigma. Telling their story. Worship in the air. A digital pilgrimage.
- By the numbers. Hungry in Canada – a look at recent stats.
- Noteworthy: Christians more likely to support charities. Dividing Canada's divorce rate. Signs of secularism eroding. Christians interested in prison ministry, but few are engaged.
Cross connections. When God calls kids. Often God uses adults to support that call. By columnist David Guretzki
At issue: For prayer and action. Preventing image-based sexual abuse online.
The gathering place. A Christian and a lawyer. Seeking the welfare of the city. By pass-the-mic columnist Deina Warren
News from the EFC. New challenge to prostitution law. Bill would reduce online exploitation. Canada Summer Jobs reviewed. EFC addresses online harms bill. Launch of Ignite Prayer Canada. Public policy team grows. Defending vulnerable Canadians at the UN.
All things reconciled: News from the Peace and Reconciliation Network. Trafficking abolitionists meet. Apology part of peace in the Philippines. By David Donaldson
Thriving in digital. Summer, screen time and shame. Teaching our children digital literacy and how to use screens in healthy ways. By pass-the-mic columnist Tryphena Perumalla-Gagnon
History lesson. Faith sustains workers amid unjust conditions. The legacy of Christian communities 100 years after construction began on the Panama Canal. By Caroline Lieffers
Church and community. Providing farmworkers with bikes for reliable transport.
Books & culture
- Extended book review: How Should We Then Die? A Christian Response to Physician-Assisted Death, by Ewan C. Goligher
- Extended book review: Theological Education: Principles and Practices of a Competency-Based Approach, by Kenton C. Anderson and Gregory J. Henson
- Extended book review: Circles and the Cross: Cosmos, Consciousness, Christ, and the Human Place in Creation, by Loren Wilkinson
- Extended Reading the Bestellers book review: The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness and Healing in a Toxic Culture, by Gabor Maté and Daniel Maté
- Q + A: George Elliott Clarke on politics and poetry
- Canadian Creatives: Dwelling Place, a painting by Shantel Miller
- New media roundup
- Song for Susie Epp
- Made to Live: A Physician's Journey to Save Life
- Contact: The Artistry of Jesus in Nine Faces
- The City-Wide Church: Unity God Blesses
- Can Robots Love God and Be Saved? A Journalist Reports on Faith
- Through the Lens of Motherhood: Trusting God in Times of Trouble
- The Riches of Your Grace: Living in the Book of Common Prayer
- and more.
Final word. Karl Vaters, author of five books De-Sizing the Church, and small-church pastor.