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Comment pouvons-nous protéger les personnes que nous aimons et les institutions que nous partageons? Randal Rauser et Bob Stenhouse partagent leur expertise.
March 10 marks the beginning of Ramadan this year, when Muslims in Canada and around the world will begin fasting and praying.
An online supplement of contemporary Canadian poetry, an addition to those published in our Mar/Apr 2024 issue.
An extended review of a 2023 book by Samuel D. James
An extended review of a 2022 book by Jessica and Robert Joustra
An extended review of a 2023 novel by Marion Agnew
An extended review of a 2022 book by Daniel J.D. Stulac
How Pontius Pilate demonstrates abuse of power
Being a place of refuge
Pentecostal Prophets: Experience in Old Testament Perspective; Mental Health: God's Way: A Guide to Healing; Happily Whenever After: A Hilarious, No-hold-barred Take on How to Thrive as a Single Woman; Grassroots Ecum...
The legacy of Richard Preston in 1854 lives on
Poetry editor and poet D.S. Martin on the value of poetry to Christians and his Kingdom Poets blog
Digital tools and training for older church members
Comment Ponce Pilate a fait preuve d'abus de pouvoir
Être un lieu de refuge