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Inviting our children to trust in the Lord. Guest column by Stephanie Christianson
Columnist David Guretzki reflects on setting our priority amid pain and distraction.
Le chroniqueur David Guretzki réfléchit à l'établissement de notre priorité au milieu de la douleur et des distractions.
Judging to divide or with hope to restore
Juger pour diviser ou avec l’espoir de restaurer
Ce que dit Éphésiens sur l'unité et la division
What Ephesians says about unity and division
Are we too obsessed with anticipating the next big thing?
Not everything has a purpose. How God works for the good of His people.
And why I’m not going to explain them. By guest writer Lindsay Callaway
Can Gospel truth be heard on euthanasia?
Being faithful in messy situations
Persevering in Christ
Pandemic parallels with the Nativity
Knowing God and ourselves under the authority of Scripture