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07 July, 2022
When discipleship comes home

Inviting our children to trust in the Lord. Guest column by Stephanie Christianson

27 April, 2022
Time to refocus

Columnist David Guretzki reflects on setting our priority amid pain and distraction.

27 April, 2022
Le temps de se recentrer

Le chroniqueur David Guretzki réfléchit à l'établissement de notre priorité au milieu de la douleur et des distractions.

17 November, 2021
Questioning what’s next

Are we too obsessed with anticipating the next big thing?

07 October, 2021
Not everything has a purpose

Not everything has a purpose. How God works for the good of His people.

20 July, 2021
Gaps in my resume

And why I’m not going to explain them. By guest writer Lindsay Callaway

14 September, 2020
Fundamentalisms and the Word of God

Knowing God and ourselves under the authority of Scripture