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Hundreds attended New Brunswick summer Bible school 1937-1969
Civilian public service during the Second World War was an option chosen by some Christian pacifists in North America. An Alberta historian explains.
Surprising origins and what we can learn
Fostering unity in congregational worship
Guest columnist Caroline Lieffers reflects on the legacy of Christian communities 100 years after construction began on the Panama Canal.
The legacy of Richard Preston in 1854 lives on
Helping us see beyond ourselves and our own cultural moment
Early Christianity offers some written treasures outside the Bible worth reading
Historian Robert Wilson explains how aid societies pioneered by Nova Scotia woman Maria Norris in the 1870s supported women missionaries and funded international outreach.
Canadian history reveals positive link
During wartime, how do we relate to fellow Christians who stand on the other side of the divide?
The Protestant press counterculturally defended French Catholics
The roots of an international movement
Remembering Reformation Book Service
Musician and professor Melissa Davis reflects on what one song can do, using the example of "Amazing Grace."