Audio & Video

Thoughtful, relevant conversations with Christian guests hosted by Faith Today senior editors Karen Stiller and Bill Fledderus.

26 February, 2018
Webinar Youth Ministry in Canada Today An insightful discussion for parents and youth workers on the latest trends in youth ministry, the challenges facing youth today, and the Canadian Youth Workers Conference. With Sid Koop and Sarah Stanley of Truth Matters/CYWC and Marv Penner of All About Youth/Youth Specialties Canada. Host: Karen Stiller. 46:46
15 December, 2022 Marjorie Thompson
Podcast We are offering courage for caregivers with Marjorie Thompson Marjorie J. Thompson has reassuring and encouraging words for us as we dig into the spirituality of caregiving. 34:27
24 January, 2018
Webinar Canada Summer Jobs Controversy New government regulations announced in December, intended to prevent pro-life activists from accessing the Canada Summer Jobs grant program, also made hundreds of other businesses and ministry organizations ineligible. This video discussion hosted bu Karen Stiller gives the latest updates about this developing national controversy. More updates at 46:35
01 December, 2022
Podcast How a workplace can be a place to flourish ​Al Lopus wrote the book, literally, on what a flourishing workplace is. He talks with us about his two decades of work at Best Christian Workplaces Institute and how toxic workplaces can change into places where people love what they do and find deep satisfaction. 26:56
17 November, 2022
Podcast Carla Funk shares how to write your own life story Carla Funk joins us and shares on how she wrote about her life and encourages us how to do the same 38:58
15 November, 2017
Webinar What have churches learned about refugee sponsorship? Catch up on the latest developments around Christian groups sponsoring refugees in Canada. Video starts at 2m 46s. Guests: Brian Dyck of Mennonite Central Committee and the Canadian National Refugee Sponsorship Agreement Holder Association. Kathy Mercer of the Port Perry Refugee Support Group. Jacqueline Derrah of the Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada. Host: Karen Stiller. 46:49
17 October, 2017
Webinar Recovering from Pornography Addiction Do you or a person you care about need help to move away from the use of pornography? This EFC webinar features Toni Dolfo-Smith, Vancouver-based founder and executive director of Journey Canada, and Dianne Kuglin, a Medicine Hat based addictions counsellor. We asked for their best guidance for people struggling with addiction; insights for pastors and more. Host: Karen Stiller. 45:59
30 June, 2022
Podcast Why listening matters now more than ever. 200 episodes of the Faith Today podcast

Episode 200 is here!

After 199 episodes of interviewing other people, our podcast host Karen Stiller takes the mic and shares some of what she's learned through this podcast about listening, and from listening to others.

18 September, 2017
Webinar What’s happening with the top issues of the day for Canadian Christians? A round-up conversation on some of the issues the EFC is working on this fall. Join host Karen Stiller as we catch up on the latest information on medical assistance in dying, pornography, religious discrimination, Bill C51, and others. Participants had the opportunity to ask questions and hear directly from Julia Beazley, the EFC’s director of public policy. 41:36
17 June, 2022
Podcast How does clergy sexual abuse keep happening?

​Victim-advocate Melodie Bissell, who is also president of Plan to Protect, joins Karen Stiller and co-host Ilana Reimer to answer some of the questions we are all struggling with on this tough topic. We also hear what keeps Melodie going in this difficult work. Where God is present, there is hope, beauty and the ever-present possibility of healing.

17 January, 2017
Webinar How do our churches grow in a Jason Bourne culture? How do churches grow in today's environment? And what do immigration, young people moving from city to city, and even smart phones have to do with it? Learn from some of the most recent Canadian research on being church in Canada today. A presentation by Rick Hiemstra, the EFC's director of research. 43:23
19 May, 2022
Podcast Who are Evangelicals? Maybe not who you think. With John G. Stackhouse Jr. Do you ever wonder if, amidst controversy and a sometimes questionable reputation, we should just ditch the word 'Evangelical?' John G. Stackhouse, Jr. answers that question and more in this conversation. 39:21
12 May, 2022
Podcast Ann Voskamp on the ancient path of suffering Why does the Christian life always seem to involve suffering? How is Jesus present in our sorrow and confusion? 30:21
22 November, 2016
Webinar Is pornography a public health issue? What is the price of the widespread use of pornography to our society – more accessible, graphic and more violent than it ever has been? What can our churches do? This webinar includes practical tips for parents and youth leaders. Featuring Julia Beazley, EFC Director, Public Policy, and Glendyne Gerrard, Director of Defend Dignity. Host: Karen Stiller. 51:11
19 October, 2016
Webinar Religious freedom for other religions: The Ktunuxa case Why should we care about the religious freedom of other religions? How does the religious freedom of other religions impact our own? The EFC is involved in an intervention on behalf of the Ktunaxa people of B.C. who are fighting a religious freedom case involving land claims. Featuring Bruce J. Clemenger, EFC President. Host: Karen Stiller. 33:41
28 April, 2022
Podcast Thank you. I'm sorry. Tell me more. Author, psychologist and pastor Rod Wilson unpacks these three phrases for us and shares some practical tips on how to do all three well.  33:47