Our podcasts and videos feature discussions with Canadian culture-shapers, ministry tips, articles read aloud, and more.
Thoughtful, relevant conversations with Christian guests hosted by Faith Today senior editor Bill Fledderus and other team members.
How the mighty fall is more than a cliché. It’s a hard truth the Christian community has had to grapple with a lot lately.
Episode 200 is here! After 199 episodes of interviewing other people, our podcast host Karen Stiller takes the mic and shares some of what she's learned through this podcast about listening, and from listening to others.
Jennifer Bowen, Jen Watt and Stephen Doucet Campbell are counsellors with Shalem Mental Health Network, based in Hamilton. This episode is 2nd in a series of 3.
Alastair Sterne has written a book for all of us who might struggle with the typical "one size fits all" ideas around spiritual disciplines.
alastairsterne.com/ www.FaithToday.ca/
Are Christians really so intolerant? Dr. Sam Reimer is a sociology professor at Crandall University in Moncton and researches political tolerance in Canada. He shares insights (and then some really good advice) on the topic of religion and tolerance in Canada.
Author, Crandall University professor and Faith Today columnist John G. Stackhouse Jr. joins Faith Today editors Bill Fledderus and Karen Stiller in conversation about his latest book, and what he thinks the Canadian Church should be focussing in in the next while (among a lot of other great topics).
Visit John's site and read his blog: www.johnstackhouse.com
Read about John's latest book.
Check out John's Faith Today column, Christ & Culture in Canada: www.faithtoday.ca/Articles/ChristA…dCultureInCanada