Podcast & Videos

Thoughtful, relevant conversations with Christian guests hosted by Faith Today senior editor Bill Fledderus and other team members.

11 March, 2021
Podcast When Leaders Fall: Lessons to be Learned from Recent Scandals

​How the mighty fall is more than a cliché. It’s a hard truth the Christian community has had to grapple with a lot lately.

30 June, 2022
Podcast Why listening matters now more than ever. 200 episodes of the Faith Today Podcast

Episode 200 is here! After 199 episodes of interviewing other people, our podcast host Karen Stiller takes the mic and shares some of what she's learned through this podcast about listening, and from listening to others.

04 March, 2021
Podcast Wisdom from Babylon: A conversation with Gordon T. Smith Gordon T. Smith’s latest book is Wisdom from Babylon: Leadership for the Church in a Secular age, published last year by IVP academic. Gordon is president of Ambrose University and a prolific author. 28:47
18 February, 2021
Podcast Sex and the City of God: An Interview with author Carolyn Weber ​​Join us as we sit down with Canadian author Carolyn Weber to discuss her latest book, a moving memoir that explores marriage, desire, holiness and how God uses our relationships to move us closer to Him. 21:30
04 February, 2021
Podcast What's in a song? Exploring the theology of the music we sing We speak to Mike Tapper, professor and chair of Southern Wesleyan University’s division of religion and also a researcher who helped perform a lyrical analysis of the 30 most commonly sung hymns and 30 of the most commonly sung contemporary worship songs over the past five years. 21:30
19 January, 2021
Podcast Covid and Parenting: Three counsellors offer us some hope Stephen Doucet Campbell, Jennifer Bowen and Jen Watt are counsellors with Shalem Mental Health Network. This episode is 3rd in a series of 3. 19:59
19 January, 2021
Podcast Marriage and Covid: Three counsellors offer advice that can help us all

Jennifer Bowen, Jen Watt and Stephen Doucet Campbell are counsellors with Shalem Mental Health Network, based in Hamilton. This episode is 2nd in a series of 3.

18 January, 2021
Podcast Isolation and Covid: Three Counsellors offer a reality check Jen Watt, Stephen Doucet Campbell and Jennifer Bowen are all counsellors with Shalem Mental Health Network. This episode is 1st in a series of 3. 21:10
14 January, 2021
Podcast Lennett Anderson: On Race, Justice and Jesus ​Lennett J. Anderson is pastor of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Hammonds Plains, N.S., and the newly appointed lecturer in leadership and racial justice at Acadia Divinity College.  24:03
07 January, 2021
Podcast Rhythms for Life: Spiritual Practices for who God Made you to be

​​Alastair Sterne has written a book for all of us who might struggle with the typical "one size fits all" ideas around spiritual disciplines.


21 December, 2020
Podcast Religion and Tolerance in Canada: A Big Sigh of Relief

​Are Christians really so intolerant? Dr. Sam Reimer is a sociology professor at Crandall University in Moncton and researches political tolerance in Canada. He shares insights (and then some really good advice) on the topic of religion and tolerance in Canada.

21 December, 2020
Podcast The Church and Covid: How are our pastors and leaders faring? The stresses of Covid-19 continue to weigh on Christian leaders. Listen to this EFC webinar to see a great time of learning and discussion on how church and ministry leaders are faring. Our guests include Margaret Clarke of Briercrest Seminary; Tim Day of Waybase.com; and Dan Godard of Victory Church, Moose Jaw, Sask. Recording made Dec. 3. 47:34
21 December, 2020
Podcast Can I Believe? An Invitation to the Hesitant. An Interview with John G. Stackhouse Jr.

​​Author, Crandall University professor and Faith Today columnist John G. Stackhouse Jr. joins Faith Today editors Bill Fledderus and Karen Stiller in conversation about his latest book, and what he thinks the Canadian Church should be focussing in in the next while (among a lot of other great topics).

Visit John's site and read his blog: www.johnstackhouse.com

Read about John's latest book.

Check out John's Faith Today column, Christ & Culture in Canada: www.faithtoday.ca/Articles/ChristA…dCultureInCanada

27 November, 2020
Podcast Journey Canada and their concerns with Bill C-6 on conversion therapy ​We asked Journey Canada why they are concerned with conversion therapy bans like Bill C-6. 14:21
24 November, 2020
Podcast How Is the Church Doing During Covid? ​We’re all in a bit of a Covid slump right now. I’m Karen Stiller and in this podcast I spoke with Tim Day Director of Way Base Network, online platform that enables individuals and Christian organizations to find each other and partner together, and serves the Church in Canada. 40:21
19 November, 2020
Podcast Jennifer Lau and CBM: Canada's oldest mission organization has a new leader ​​Jennifer Lau is the new executive director of CBM (Canadian Baptist Ministries),  a 150-year-old Canadian mission organization. She spoke with Faith Today’s Karen Stiller about her calling, the weight of words, and what it means to go and learn. 26:36