Sept/Oct 2023 features: On (not) getting things done; Christian living in the storm in the storm of anxiety; Having difficult conversations; How to disagree in a healthy way; Church witness includes nursing care; Environmentalist Anthony Siegrist
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Cover story
On (not) getting things done. The pandemic taught me a new measure of time. By Jen Pollock Michel
The Faith Today interview: One on one with A Rocha Canada's Anthony Siegrist
Christian living in the storm of anxiety. Learning about mental health helps us love our neighbours and ourselves. By Andrea Nwabuike
Can we agree to disagree? A conversation about having difficult conversations. By Mark Buchanan and Gordon T. Smith
How to disagree in a healthy way? Let's reflect on our fellowship skills. By Courtney Wiebe
Church witness includes nursing care. Retired health professionals making a difference. By John Longhurst
In each issue
Behind the scenes. Refreshment on the way. Thankful for new starts and creativity. By Bill Fledderus and Karen Stiller
Talking points. Podcast lineup, Readers write, Milestones
Cross connections. Is Jesus your personal Saviour? We hope so, but there's even more to it. By David Guretzki
At issue. Loneliness and isolation. Faith communities can help bridge the gap.
News. Notes. Ideas
- Combatting climate change with a hopeful perspective. A new survey shows Christian adults want their churches to get more involved in creation care.
- Christian college makes radical move. Generosity and vision define new chapter.
- Faith Trends: A 2023 Angus Reid online survey reveals negative views of Islam across Canada.
- The global touch of Canada Mosaic Alliance. Church-planting group sparks growing congregations.
- Inspiring ideas: A roadmap to walk with God / Community campout / Build Bible basics / Pro-life from the heart / Cultivated curiosity
- By the numbers. Who are Canada's non-permanent residents (NPRs)?
- New Heritage ministry certificate aims to fill gap. Flexible program meets students where they are.
- Victoria outreach builds relationships with at-risk youth. Games, outreach and friendship make the difference.
- Resource for discussing death and grief support.
- Noteworthy: A marked difference - Giving habits - Iranian church plunging into revival - Marriage important for health and happiness - Assessing church vibrancy
Church and community. Monthly community events on the lawn.
Global village. Iranian activist rewarded; Asia evangelical alliance turns 40; Understanding Northern Africa. By columnist David Donaldson
The gathering place. Rights and responsbilities. Charting a healthy course in the deep waters of narcissism. By Bruce Clemenger
News from the EFC. Iranian activist awarded. Asia Evangelical Alliance turns 40. Understanding Northern Africa. Ignite Vancouver prayer summit. EFC President's Day. Potential research partnership on women's church participation. Prayer over MAiD. Speakers for your church or event.
Thriving in digital. Apps that actually save time. Help with scheduling, passwords, chat and self-discipline. By columnist Joanna la Fleur
Final word. Aileen van Ginkel, executive director of Christian Higher Education Canada
Books & culture
- Extended book review: God Speaks Science: What Neurons, Giant Squid, and Supernovae Reveal About Our Creator, by John Van Sloten
- Extended Reading the Bestsellers review: Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants, by Robin Wall Kimmerer
- Extended music review: Hope Seeds, by Bev Foster
- Extended music review: Jordan St. Cyr, by Jordan St. Cyr
- Q + A: Scholar Stanley Porter on improving Bible interpretation
- Canadian Creatives: Artwork by Lynn Vissers
- New media roundup: Church Grammar; Revelation for the Rest of Us: A Prophetic Call to Follow Jesus As a Dissident Disciple; Intergenerational Christian Formation: Bringing the Whole Church Together in Ministry, Community and Worship and more