Features: Don't be afraid; The only woman in the room; Migrating across church traditions; A theology of singleness that isn't looking for its cure; Theologian Ephraim Radner on assisted dying
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Cover story
Don't be afraid. Christmas is a time for us to remember one of God's most persistent messages, "Don't be afraid. I am with you. I'm on your side." By Thomas Froese
The Faith Today interview: One on one with theologian Ephraim Radner on euthanasia
The only woman in the room. Envisioning workplaces that include diverse female leaders. By Ellen Graf-Martin
Migrating across church traditions. People switch Protestant traditions for community, spiritual nourishment and, increasingly, theology and politics. By Alex Newman
A biblical perspective on singleness. The meaning of offspring has changed between the Old and New Testaments. By Barry N. Danylak
A theology of singleness that isn’t looking for its cure. It’s Easter, not Valentine’s Day that signals the greatest love story ever told. By Karissa Sovdi
Fellowship skills. How to empathize. By Carolyn O. Klassen
In each issue
Behind the scenes. Writers bless the church. Why we're grateful for our writers and essayists—and reader emails. By Bill Fledderus and Karen Stiller
Talking points. Podcast lineup, Website extras, Readers write, Milestones
News. Notes. Ideas
- Podcast helps churches respond to holy hurt. Spiritual trauma explored.
- Prayer ministries grow across Canada. January event in Ottawa shows what is possible.
- Faith Trends: Evangelicals more aware, hold stronger opinions on medical assistance in dying
- Outreach for the unreached. The Arabic Alliance Network
- New global singles' initiative. World Evangelical Alliance partners with SEE Global.
- Inspiring ideas. Hope for the future. Sharing Christian cheer. Faithful storytelling. Connection and purpose.
- By the numbers. Survey reveals Canadians are concerned about mental health resources.
- Rapha research studies domestic violence. Christians in Quebec form study.
- Podcast presents Scripture untangled. Removing the guesswork to understanding the Bible.
- Noteworthy: Canadians still believe in God - Majority of Protestants believe prosperity gospel - Sacred texts still matter to Canadians
Cross connections. Pondering the imponderable. Some mysteries are not for solving. By columnist David Guretzki
At issue. Christians called to stop MAiD for mental illness.
The gathering place. Thy kingdom come. Experiencing God's kingdom in troubled times. By columnist Bruce Clemenger
News from the EFC. Reverse hastened death for mental illness. Action kit on MAiD. The EFC condemns and laments attacks in Israel. The EFC moves in Ottawa. Human trafficking strategy. Ignite Vancouver prayer summit.
All things reconciled. Praying for enduring peace and an end of violence.
Thriving in digital. Digital resources for women in leadership. Encouragement, help with discernment and skill development opportunities are available. By columnist Joanna la Fleur
Church and community. Uniting neighbours with community pop-up barbecues in Nova Scotia.
Books & culture
- Extended book review: Christianity: An Asian Religion in Vancouver, by Jason Byassee, Albert Y. S. Chu and Ross A. Lockhart
- Extended Reading the Bestsellers review: Standing in the Shadows: An Alan Banks Crime Novel, by Peter Robinson
- Extended book review: The Arts and the Christian Life, by Earl Davey
- Extended book review: The Holy Spirit and the Eagle Feather: The Struggle for Indigenous Pentecostalism in Canada, by Aaron A. M. Ross
- Q + A: Poet Sarah Klassen on poetry and creativity
- Canadian Creatives: Artwork by Monique Sliedrecht
- New media roundup: Live Your Assignment: Being Christ's Ambassador in 7 Spheres of Life; What Was Jesus Thinking? Insights from Archaeology, History, Geography, and the Gospels; Preparing to Cross the Finish Line: A Guide to Help Families, Individuals and Pastors with End-of-Life Issues and Funerals; We Were a Peculiar People Once: Confessions of an Old-Time Baptist, and more
Final word. Shoaib Abadi, president and executive director of Square One World Media Inc.