Magazines 2025 Jan - Feb Remembering Muslims during Ramadan
Remembering Muslims during Ramadan
20 February 2025
By Cristina Boersma
About 1 in 20 Canadians will be fasting and praying, seeking the favour of God, from Feb. 28 to March 29. Let's pray for them, says the national coordinator of Loving Muslims Together.
Christians have for many years set aside the 30 days of Ramadan to pray specifically for Muslims. Is this a movement you might be called to explore?
As Fouad Masri, the founder of Crescent Project, puts it: “For followers of Jesus, Ramadan is an opportunity to focus on God’s heart for Muslim people, many of whom are desperately seeking God’s approval through a system of works.”
There are many ways to pray, including joining the Friday Ramadan prayer gatherings held by the Christian group Loving Muslims Together. There's also a list of prayer resources such as booklets, videos, email newsletters and more at the LMT website.
If you feel called to show God's love in this way, here are a few other ideas you can consider for getting started.
- Wish your Muslim friends a Happy Ramadan, perhaps using the Arabic words “Ramadan Mubarak.” This is a greeting used across the Muslim world.
- Share with your church about the opportunity we all have as Christians to pray for Muslims during Ramadan. You could show the Why Pray for Muslims short video by Prayercast. You might even consider the Loving Muslims Together initiative called Pray for a Mosque Community.
- Peace Feasts bring Muslims and Christians together to share a meal and real faith conversations. Learn more about Peace Feasts.
- Look for the opportunity to share an iftar meal at a local mosque in your community. (If you don’t know where to find a mosque close to you, use this website.) Muslims break their daily fast at the time of the call for evening prayer and share a meal at sunset. Why not contact a mosque and ask if they welcome guests to share an iftar meal with them? If they do, put together a group from your church and take them along. Here's a good guide for Mosque Visit Purpose and Etiquette you should read and share with your friends before going to a mosque.
- Could this season be a chance to connect with the leader of a local mosque? Check out Crescent Project’s initiative Every Imam.
- The Blessing Kit by Crescent Project is a practical, simple way to love your Muslim neighbor at Ramadan by putting together a kit with meaningful items to your Muslim friend. For more information go to Blessing Kits.
May the Father draw many hearts to Him this Ramadan. May we be ready to answer our Muslim friend about the hope we have in Christ, always with gentleness and respect (1 Peter 3:15).
Cristina Vieira Boersma of Sarnia, Ont., is the national coordinator for Loving Muslims Together. Sunset photo by Ann Savchenko on Unsplash.