Three questions for the author of Raising Disciples: How to Make Faith Matter for Our Kids
A lot of people seem to find Raising Disciples: How to Make Faith Matter for Our Kids (Herald Press, 2019) a helpful book. I saw Mennonite Church Canada selected it as a common read for all its members last year. What are you hearing?
Parents just want a few tangible ways to spiritually nourish their kids. People know discipling kids is incredibly important, but they don’t necessarily know what it looks like at various ages and stages. They appreciate the practical suggestions, and the honesty and vulnerability.
Do you have a sense if these issues are the same in every church?
We are seeing a sifting of folks who are attendees and those who are genuine disciples of Jesus. The attendees are falling off, along with their children, and the disciples are engaging and seeking to engage their children.
What’s next for your ministry? Are you writing more?
I’m working on a Bible for tweens with Greg Boyd, taking on a cruciform lens of Scripture. This is a long project, but I’m inching forward with it. I’m also heading into the dissertation phase of my doctoral work. Who knows where it all may lead?
Natalie Frisk is an Ontario author and leads a team at The Meeting House that creates church educational materials for kids ages birth to 8 used worldwide.