Magazines 2015 May - Jun Because it is right and just: Voices from Canada’s pro-life movement

Because it is right and just: Voices from Canada’s pro-life movement

06 May 2015 By Karen Stiller

The National March for Life will hit the streets next week on May 14. In honour of that event, and in recognition of the ongoing efforts by countless Canadians to remind us that Canada does not have any legislative restrictions around abortion, Faith Today presents the voices of pro-life activists from across the country. Click here for more quotes from campus activists.

The National March for Life will hit the streets next week on May 14. In honour of that event, and in recognition of the ongoing efforts by countless Canadians to remind us that Canada does not have any legislative restrictions around abortion, Faith Today presents the voices of pro-life activists from across the country. Click here for more quotes from campus activists.


“I stay involved in the pro-life movement because it is right and just.” Jeffrey Belanger, London, Ont.

“The thing I would like Canadians to know about abortion is that it hurts women and kills children. Women deserve better than abortion.” Christina Alaimo, Campaign Life Coalition Youth Coordinator, Toronto

“I stay involved in the pro-life movement in Canada because without true commitment and dedication to the movement, the status quo surrounding abortion will not change. Innocent human beings will continue to be murdered, and mothers will continue to be exploited. I stay involved in the movement because I want to see a day that abortion is abolished in Canada; a day when human life is protected from its earliest stage; a day when Canadians sanctify human life rather than destroy it.” Carter Grant, Campaign Life Coalition Toronto

“I stay involved in the pro-life movement in Canada because the pay is below average, levels of stress is high, I work days, evenings, weekends, and I haven’t had a real vacation in 3 years. I question my involvement in the movement every day and after almost 4 years of working for Campaign Life Coalition, I still don’t know why I keep coming back, but I do.” Matthew Wojciechowski, Campaign Life Coalition Communication Director, Toronto

“I can help end abortion in my lifetime. In Canada alone, 300 children are killed every single day throughout all nine months of pregnancy, paid for by your tax dollars.” Yvonne Boon, Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform, Calgary

“The best outcome on this issue for Canada would be abortion being made unthinkable and no longer practiced within my lifetime. By engaging Canadians every day on this topic and by exposing the reality of abortion, I am confident that we will see an abortion-free Canada.”  Cameron Côté, Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform, Calgary

“I stay involved in the pro-life movement because abortion is a human rights violation that takes the lives of so many children. It has no parallel in history. We know this. With that knowledge comes responsibility. ” Alex vande Bruinhorst, Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform, Calgary

“It will keep happening if we don’t take action against it.”  Alanna Gomez, Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform, Calgary

“The thing I would like Canadians to know about abortion is that abortion is legal throughout all nine months of pregnancy, which puts us in the same category as North Korea and China. I’d like to ask each Canadian a simple question: Do you believe in human rights? Because if the answer is yes, then shouldn’t human rights begin where the human being begins?”  Jonathon Van Maren, Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform

“I stay involved in the pro-life movement in Canada because abortion horrifies me and once you know the reality of it, how can you not fight for the babies?”  Rose Schulenberg, Campden, Ont. (

“The best outcome on this issue would be for a parliamentary commission to study current scientific data on the subject of when a person becomes a human being and when they truly are alive and to write a new law which recognizes the scientific fact that a human life begins at conception, and progresses through the stages of gestation, childhood, puberty, young adulthood, middle age and old age until natural death. From conception to natural death she/he is a person, whether they are “perfect” or whether they have physical or other challenges. God so loves all of us that He sent His only begotten Son to die on the cross for us. How valued must each of us be as individuals in the mind of God.”  Winston Fairley, Carlingford, N.B.

“All unborn, who are living humans, must be protected. Canada, along with only China and North Korea, has no laws to protect the unborn.” Robert Wrubleski, Calgary

“I wish that Canadians knew that abortion violently kills a human being that has been created by God in his image and that life is sacred to Him” Margaret Tenhage-Kottelenberg, East Garafraxa, Ont.

The May/June issue of Faith Today features campus pro-life activists. Subscribe now within Canada and receive a free book!