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07 July, 2022
Canadian Christians and colonialism

Looking for surprises in the history of Christianity among Indigenous Peoples

27 April, 2022
Roman mandates and Christianity

Choosing how to follow the state is not a new question for Christians

28 February, 2022
What made Gregory great?

How to follow Christ at the end of a civilization

05 January, 2022
A recipe for hospitality

Church cookbooks tell stories of culture, resilience and ingenuity, writes Edmonton historian Caroline Lieffers

17 November, 2021
Fire on the rock

Methodist revival in 1800s Newfoundland

21 October, 2021
Thousands of missing lives

The disturbing history of residential schools in Canada

26 July, 2021
Richard Brothers

A Canadian prophet? By guest writer Baiyu Andrew Song.

17 May, 2021
Evangelical higher education in a secular age

How Canada adapted and innovated for evangelical education

15 March, 2021
The secularization of universities

Have you ever noticed how many universities have Christian mottos?

08 February, 2021
Old Order Mennonites

Is there anything for Evangelicals to learn?

28 September, 2020
The apostle of Pictou, N.S.

Faithfully serving in an unexpected calling

24 August, 2020
Who is my neighbour?

Anti-Catholic prejudice in Canada

20 December, 2018
Winding roads

Mennonite pioneers on the Grand River