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Sarah Nicholas of The Colossian Forum introduces resources to help Christian leaders transform cultural conflicts into opportunities for spiritual growth and witness.
How does God's call on Christians to be ambassadors of reconciliation lead us to respond to news about the remains of 215 children at the former Kamloops Indian Residential School? Phil Wagler reflects.
Malachi 4:6 says, “He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers; or else I will come and strike the land with a curse.”
Can we find a deeper place of Christlikeness and missional awakening? What we need to do now?
Why do some Evangelicals support politicians who stoke division and demonstrate behaviour inconsistent with our stated theological convictions?
God’s mission uses human super-spreaders of forgiveness to bring healing to people sickened by sin.
The shepherds are examples of how we too must respond to the Incarnation and the declaration of the Messiah's prophetic arrival
Loving our neighbours means not imposing our concepts
Can peace and reconciliation be experienced in the heart of one who has been deeply wounded?
What is the little act of reconciliation God is calling you to do today?
As we think about the role of church buildings in these times of pandemic restrictions against large gatherings, what does it mean that the Church is the Spirit-dwelt people of God?
Watching out for us-and-them thinking in our congregations.
If we journey the path of forgiveness, the world will notice and be drawn to the irresistible grace of God that leads to reconciliation, writes Chris Pullenayegem.
Phil Wagler calls us to lament and repent; receive the gospel; love Jesus more than our politics; stop reducing church to a room; live small in a big way; and speak up.
How do we live in a world of violence and fear? What does it mean to be Christian, to be the Church here and now?