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Hearts Exchanged is an 8-month program that equips Christians to engage with Indigenous people as neighbours and fellow image bearers.
Gatherings, held every two months, include prayer time allotted for Ukraine, Russia and Canada.
Johannes Reimer of the World Evangelical Alliance recounts a series of reconciliation events that occurred in South Africa a few weeks ago.
The peacebuilding work in Sarajevo among a small band of Orthodox Serbs, Muslim Bozniaks and Catholic Croats is inspiring, writes Phil Wagler
As Canada marks a second annual National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, let's listen prayerfully to the story of Temera Millar and the insights of Ron Hartwig, both of North American Indigenous Ministries.
Reflecting on the Pope’s apology with B.C. mission worker John Johnstone
The heartbreaking tragedy unfolding in Ukraine is leading believers to pray for an end to violence, practise hospitality to those in need, provide resources and learn more about the roots of the conflict. Many are als...
What will it take to improve relationships between the Church and Indigenous Peoples? Mackenzie Griffin, an Alberta writer with Cree and Saulteaux ancestry, reflects.
Be open and listen! That was the advice given to Edith and Neill von Gunten before their first ministry experience in an Indigenous community many years ago. It soon led to a valuable lesson right in their living room...
Ottawa scholar Vern Neufeld Redekop explains how the conflict derives from national identity needs.
New free video series prepares Canadian churches to help people such as Ukrainian refugees who've been scarred by tough life experiences.
Phil Wagler of the Peace and Reconciliation Network reflects on what God might be calling us to do: Pray Kingdom prayers. Be aware of the humanity of our neighbours and those in the conflict zones. Be sacrificial, and...
How can Canadian churches deal with division? Two pastors in Kelowna, B.C., discuss (on video) a small group approach designed to bring divided Christians together.
What happened the week the waters rose. A report from Justin Lueck of City Life Church in Chilliwack, B.C.
Beyond remembrance, we are called as the disciples of Jesus to be blessed peacemakers.