Magazines 2024 Jul - Aug Restored Ministries offers hope for sexual addiction

Restored Ministries offers hope for sexual addiction

08 July 2024 By Matthew Giesbrecht

An online ministry from Edmonton offers courses and coaching for men, women and couples to deal with sexual addiction.

The pervasiveness of internet pornography and sexual misconduct have inflicted much harm in society and among Canadian Christians in recent years – but hope is available and healing is possible, according to Restored Ministries (

Matt Cline of Edmonton started the ministry in 2017 after coming out of his own pornography addiction and seeing how he could use his experiences to help men and women live in freedom.

Cline approaches each person with compassion and curiosity, acknowledging that they are trapped in bondage and works to find out what keeps them there, rather than shaming them. He works to diminish the lie that they’re “going to have this struggle forever.” It’s that victim mindset that he says is conquered when people learn “how to bring the Lord into things like temptations, triggers and emotional wounds. It’s so transformational.”

This work consists of a variety of online courses (one-on-one and group coaching) for men and women, and for married couples. These programs have helped around 4,000 people globally since 2018. Seventy percent of those are Canadian. Additionally, Cline offers live church events, resources and is co-host of The Pure Victory Podcast reaching 130 countries.

Cline sees the gospel’s transformational power working in those who draw near to its hope. Because he works primarily with husbands, he says, “wives are seeing the change.” He is witnessing the restoration of families and the hope that arises, along with the newfound purpose that it brings.

People trapped in sexual addiction can, with God’s help, learn to live “porn-free and powerfully,” he says. “We’re crippled when we’re in sin and we’re hindered. But, when we’re cleansed there’s a power there, especially when we know how to do that with the Lord. So, the ripple effect is real.”

Restored Ministries has an ambitious goal of getting one million people free from sexual addiction by 2030. “It’s a big number,” admits Cline, but “it helps us plan things and pray bigger that the Lord will do more than we can think or imagine.”

One of the bigger things Cline is now working on is a documentary project. “It’s another entry point for this conversation to enter churches and it’ll be very hope-giving and inspiring. It’s [about] stories of transformation that will move [audiences] into action. It’ll give follow-up resources to the viewers so that they can continue the conversation for every demographic in the Church. Part of that [conversation] too is not just how to get out of sexual sin but restoring the narrative around sexuality in general.”

Matt Cline exudes the kind of hope mentioned in Romans 15:13 – “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.”

Restored Ministries’ online courses accept new registrants monthly.

Matthew Giesbrecht ( is a writer in Manitoba.