Jan/Feb 2024 features: Rethinking global mission; Five Canadian missionaries we should know; Deeper in the life of faith with a spiritual director; How to be a digital missionary; and more
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Cover story
Rethinking global mission. New opportunities in changing populations, attitudes and technology. By Julie Fitz-Gerald
The FT interview: One on one with Janet Noel-Annable of Karis Disability Services
Mission inversion. A radical reorientation of mission from the inside out. By Jamie Munday
Five missionaries we should know from the past 175 years. A brief look at Lewis Champion Chambers, Jonathan Goforth, James Gale, Don Richardson and Gina Jordan. By Adam MacInnis
Deeper in the life of faith? A spiritual director could help guide you. Here are four Canadian examples. By Patricia Paddey
Fellowship skills series. How good are we at forgiving, rebuking, saying sorry and the like? Let's reflect together in this series. By Karen Gibson
In each issue
Behind the scenes. Handling bad news. We don't have the answers, but we do have a direction. By Bill Fledderus and Karen Stiller
Talking points. Podcast lineup, Website extras, Readers write, Milestones
News. Notes. Ideas
- Small group meets for 51 years.
- Canadian woman spends lifetime in missionary service.
- Faith Trends: Evangelicals more aware, hold stronger opinions on medical assistance in dying
- Bringing hope and love. Mennonite Disaster Service Canada volunteers repair homes.
- Harvey Satewas Gabriel and the Mohawk Bible translation.
- Books keep the gospel clear and simple.
- Inspiring ideas. Meals that warm the heart. A family connection. Engaging videos.
- By the numbers. Survey reveals Canadians are concerned about mental health resources.
- Noteworthy: Christmas decorations removed to honour Hamas. Faith and debt. Breaking the (food) bank. Angels all around. Church numbers still down.
Cross connections. What's it gonna take? An anniversary that can help us plan for the years to come. By columnist David Guretzki
- version française : Que faudra-t-il faire pour que l'Église grandisse et devienne dynamique d'ici à 2033 ?
The gathering place. The power of diplomacy. A plea for civility. By columnist Bruce Clemenger
At issue. New ways of living out global mission.
News from the EFC. Reverse hastened death for mental illness. Online prayer over Ukraine war, MAiD. Canada Summer Jobs study. EFC urges continued support for prostitution laws. Disability church resource en français. Speakers for your church or event. An evangelical approach to peace and reconciliation.
All things reconciled. The urgent need for prayer.
Thriving in digital. How to be a digital missionary. Everyday folks going out into all the world (wide web). By columnist Joanna la Fleur
History lesson. After the Apostles. Early Christianity offers some written treasures outside the Bible. By columnist James R. Payton Jr.
Church and community. Empowering neighbours through free language and art classes.
Books & culture
- Extended book review: After Dispensationalism: Reading the Bible for the End of the World, by Brian P. Irwin with Tim Perry
- Extended book review: Renaissance: A Novel, by Susan Fish
- Extended book review: Emma's Call: A Novel, by Donna Mann
- Q + A: Author David Kitz on connecting people with God's Word
- Canadian Creatives: Artwork by Sarah Karpa
- New media roundup: Flame of Love: A Theology of the Holy Spirit; Pandemic, Public Health, and the People of God; The Book of Answers: A Rev. Thomas Book Mystery; Invisible: God's Loving Pursuit of His Unseen Daughters; Mission as Penance: Essays on the Theology of Mission from a Canadian Context, and more.
Final word. Cheryl Weber, host of 100 Huntley Street and director of relief and development at Crossroads Cares.