Magazines 2022 May - Jun Art by Lori Morris. Small press roundup.
Art by Lori Morris. Small press roundup.
Artwork by Lori Morris; Small Press Roundup
Small press roundup
- Doing it Afraid: Not Afraid to Be Afraid by Gord Martin (independent, 2021). Jesus provides strength in the going, not beforehand, writes the founder of Vision Ministries Canada in a series of stories of lessons learned from pastoring and church planting in Canada, and mission work in Ecuador and Colombia.
- The Unknown Europe: How Eastern Europe Got That Way by James R. Payton Jr. (Cascade, 2021). Author taught history at Redeemer University and now patristics and historical theology at McMaster Divinity College.
- Moonshine Promises by John Van Rys (Resource, 2021). Linked comic fictional stories about the lives of an Ontario couple – love and marriage, fatherhood, modern masculinity, hobby farming and encounters with raccoons. Includes minor sexual content and rough language. Author teaches English at Redeemer University.
- The Jesus I Didn’t Know I Didn’t Know: Reflections on the Identity of Jesus by Tim Reddish (Wipf & Stock, 2021). A freshly insightful and intelligent examination by a Presbyterian pastor in Amherstburg, Ont., who was formerly a physics professor.
- Maud & Me by Marianne Jones (Crossfield, 2021). This quirky novel explores the inner isolation of Nicole, a pastor’s wife in a small northern Ontario community. Nicole finds an ally in Lucy Maud Montgomery whose spirit joins her in her garden for a cup of tea. Jones is an author in Thunder Bay, Ont.
- Paper Wolf by Chrissy Dennis (Anaiah Press, 2021). Gracie Anderson may only be 11, but five years in foster care has taught her happy endings don’t exist in the real world. But the Barkmans are completely different from any family she’s ever known – and she doesn’t trust them one bit because no one is that understanding and compassionate. Author lives in Saskatchewan.
- For Others to Follow: An Ethos of Leadership Grounded in Spirituality by Paul Bates (Wipf & Stock, 2021). Presents a well-researched, faith-based approach for helping employees flourish that is also relevant to non-Christians. Author is an accountant and management consultant with a long and varied career.
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Canadian creatives

"God is the most fantastic artist and exploring the endless shores on Canada’s west coast is where I receive the greatest inspiration. To be with Him, surrounded by arbutus trees or painting them, provides much fulfillment and purpose. My hope is to awaken people to the extravagant love of God through art and beauty."
Smugglers Arbutus (24″ x 24″, acrylic on canvas) By Lori Morris