Magazines 2018 May - Jun FT on the Go: These are stories worth talking about!
FT on the Go: These are stories worth talking about!
We think there are a few articles in the May/Jun Faith Today worth talking about. We encourage you to make a pot of coffee, make some copies, pass them around and have a spirited discussion.
We think there are a few articles in the May/Jun Faith Today worth talking about. We encourage you to make a pot of coffee, make some copies, pass them around and have a spirited discussion.
Maybe you have a small group or Bible study that would enjoy taking 15 minutes out of the normal routine and have a conversation about “The Joy and Sorrow of Palliative Care” by Alex Newman (find it on page 33); or “Into the Heart of Crisis Pregnancy Centres in Canada” by Allison Barron (p30); or “Diehard Believers: Deathbed doubts amount the Devout” by Doug Koop (p.37) and “Not Just Pro-Life by Whole-Life” by David Guretzki.
Dig into the new issue of Faith Today with some help from our discussion questions.
Here are four possible discussion questions you can use:
- The article on crisis pregnancy centres (pages 30–32) quotes Sharon Boothroyd saying, “Sometimes we’re just that one person who says, ‘You can do this. I believe in you.’” Why do you think that makes such a difference for a woman in a crisis pregnancy?
- In the story on palliative care (pages 33–36), death for the author’s friend was difficult. What have your experiences been with palliative care? Did you sense God’s presence – and if so, how?
- The story on deathbed doubts (pages 37–39) says religious people can have a harder time with dying or a more contented time than unbelievers, depending on how integrated their faith is. How far along that road of integration are you? How can we move further?
- The essay on being whole-life (pages 40–42) challenges us to broaden our horizons beyond the beginning and ending of life to include beauty, truth and justice across the lifespan. How can we do this without reducing our activism on issues of life and death?
If you have a conversation based on these or any other articles, we’d love to hear! Email us at And remember tosubscribe so you never miss another issue.