Witnessing and serving
Fred Weiss is executive director of Calgary-based Samaritan’s Purse Canada (SPC) and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association of Canada. PHOTO: SPC
◼ What lies at the heart of the mission of BGEA Canada?
It remains the same as when Billy Graham began the ministry in 1950 – to proclaim the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ to all we can by every effective means available to us, and by equipping others to do the same.
◼ What role does BGEA fill in the Canadian Church?
The BGEA assists, encourages and equips the local church in its evangelistic ministry.
We’re probably best known for our crusade ministry through which we are invited by, and partner with, local churches to host community-wide evangelistic outreach events. The BGEA has other ministries that also equip the local church for evangelistic outreach. They include our ReAwaken evangelism training seminars, regional Evangelism Congresses (including Sept. 25–26 in Edmonton), and My Hope video ministry featuring powerful personal testimonies and clear gospel messages from Billy Graham or Franklin Graham. The BGEA provides Sharing Hope in Crisis training to enable churches and their members to provide emotional and spiritual support to hurting people in their communities during times of crisis.
◼ What changes have you seen in Canadian culture that make the work of evangelism more difficult?
I see a growing tendency in Canada to honour behaviour and lifestyles that are contrary to what God has established as good and true. Influential elements of our culture aggressively promote hope in doctrine and ideologies that don’t align with God’s Word. Wanting to be culturally relevant and avoid the perception of alienating anyone, some Christians and churches are tempted to compromise truth.
I thank God for individual Christians and churches that don’t compromise truth. The BGEA has partnered with many of these churches to share the good news of Jesus Christ. Together we’ve seen the Lord draw thousands of people to Himself. And so in the midst of this cultural drift, we offer real hope to people by boldly proclaiming His truth.
◼ What inspires you personally as a leader?
I’m inspired by the parable of the talents in Matthew 25. I believe a good leader must be a faithful servant. Like the servants in the parable, I’ve been entrusted to steward something – this BGEA Canada ministry. As a leader I want to faithfully steward this ministry and fulfil our mission.
◼ How do you recharge as a leader?
Activities like playing music with the worship team, riding a motorcycle, camping, kayaking, fishing and cross-country skiing provide opportunity to think, pray, gain perspective and recharge. The most enjoyable time of all is with my wife Renee and our granddaughters.
Samaritan’s Purse Canada and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association of Canada are affiliates of the EFC (www.TheEFC.ca/Affiliates). Find more Q and As at www.FaithToday.ca/QandA.