Magazines 2016 Mar - Apr Honestly, some of my best friends are American evangelicals
Honestly, some of my best friends are American evangelicals
26 April 2016
By Karen Stiller
“Are American and Canadian Evangelicals really that different?” caught the attention of my friends.
The response was swift. The minute I posted the cover of the May/Jun Faith Today on my Facebook feed, my phone lit up.
You can see why. The colourful artwork with the provocative question: “Are American and Canadian Evangelicals really thatdifferent?” caught the attention of my friends.
One good friend, who is also a Canadian Evangelical (a pastor, even) posted “Um..yes” she says hopefully,” earning her an immediate three Facebook thumbs up.
We do like to think we are different.
I remember meeting my very first “American Evangelicals” years ago at Regent College, and thinking they were actually quite normal after all. They didn’t fit my cultural, comfortable stereotypes. Some are good friends even to this day.
So, we will see what the response is to our May/Jun cover story written by sociologist Sam Reimer from Crandall University in Moncton. We shall see…
Karen Stiller is a senior editor of Faith Today. Would you like a copy of this story, with all the other great content in May/Jun? Try out our free trial subscription today.