Podcast & Videos

Thoughtful, relevant conversations with Christian guests hosted by Faith Today senior editor Bill Fledderus and other team members.

30 July, 2018
Podcast Healing churches: The hard path churches must walk through listening, confession and reconciliation The Rev. Dr. Russ Parker is an author and healing and reconciliation expert. He has ministered in some of the world’s toughest spots, leading listening and forgiveness work. 45:30
26 November, 2018
Podcast Let the sermon be interrupted: A new approach to reconciliation Author and pastor Mark Buchanan walks us through his own journey with reconcilation in Canada and encourages churches and Christians to fully embrace a new way of relating between First Nation and Settler Christians. 12:33
14 December, 2018
Podcast How churches can protect the vulnerable and themselves Melodie Bissell, executive director of Plan to Protect, shares her insights into abuse in churches, who it hurts and how we can protect the vulnerable, including our pastors. 26:24
14 March, 2019
Podcast Who are the keystone people in your neighbourhood Writer and pastor Preston Pouteaux's Faith Today article walks us through our neighbourhoods and helps us to see the potential for community and impact everywhere. 13:30
07 May, 2019
Podcast What are we called to do in these times? An Interview With Anna Robbins, new president of Acadia Divinity College Dr. Anna Robbins has been named the seventh president of Acadia Divinity College. Far from discouraged at the position of the Church in today's culture, Anna calls us to a new level of optimistic engagement. 19:23