Podcast & Videos

Thoughtful, relevant conversations with Christian guests hosted by Faith Today senior editor Bill Fledderus and other team members.

22 January, 2018
Podcast Beekeeping and our churches and neighbourhoods: An interview with author and pastor Preston Pouteaux Preston Pouteaux spoke to The EFC Podcast about his book and how we become more attentive to our neighbourhoods and our neighbours. 19:33
29 January, 2018
Podcast Why small churches matter: An interview with Ron Johnston of Small Church Connections Canada Small Church Connections helps small churches across Canada develop a greater sense of their potential so that they become more effective in serving their communities. 31:18
21 February, 2018
Podcast Grace in Vietnam "In this country of mysterious contradictions, there is a groundswell of faith. It is not always pretty and petty conflicts abound. Yet they are offset by martyrdom and fearless faith." A dispatch by Brian Stiller, Global Ambassador of the World Evangelical Alliance. 10:36
13 February, 2018
Podcast One Church responds to the Canada Summer Job Grant controversy Pastor Bob Davies from Kanata Baptist Church shares his church's response to the Canada Summer Jobs situation. 15:17
21 March, 2018
Podcast How to create a great food ministry (panel discussion) How can churches do food ministry well? We speak with experts on this topic, featured in "The Healing Plate," the Mar/Apr 2018 cover story in Faith Today magazine. 41:18
29 March, 2018
Podcast Brazil - A new force in mission Dispatch from Brian Stiller: Brazil is huge. A population of two hundred million live in a land mass slightly smaller than the United States or China... 9:05
02 April, 2018
Podcast Don't turn from suffering Doug Koop is a spiritual health practitioner at a major trauma and tertiary care hospital in Winnipeg. He shares what we learn as we walk with people in distress. 12:01
13 April, 2018
Podcast The Humboldt Broncos hockey tragedy and how the Church can respond Dave Wells spoke with us about the Humboldt Hockey tragedy, the nature of chaplaincy work in times like this, and how faith and the Church can help in times of tragedy. 17:49
17 April, 2018
Podcast Youth inspire me - Interview with Renee Embree Renée Embree is director of youth and family ministries for the Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada and director of the youth and young adult ministry program at Acadia Divinity College. 18:57
25 April, 2018
Podcast What churches are learning from refugees Thousands of Canadian churches responded to the plight of Syrian refugees by becoming private sponsors for the first time. Here are three stories. 10:45
20 March, 2018
Podcast Growing your spiritual life as a couple It doesn’t need to be only long prayers and joint Bible study, says writer Sheila Wray Gregoire. 7:24
02 October, 2017
Podcast Tough call in a tough world Baroness Caroline Cox is an international humanitarian who works in some of the world’s most difficult places. She spoke to us about her motivation, fears and challenge to us as Christians who care about the world. 17:19
20 December, 2017
Podcast How one Canadian church is grappling with reconciliation issues This fall Vancouver pastor and author Ken Shigematsu preached a sermon on reconciliation with First Nations peoples that was honest, painful, inspiring and received an unexpected level of attention. 20:23
09 November, 2018
Podcast What does the gospel have to do with poverty? An interview with Barry Slauenwhite, president of Compassion Canada

“We must continually ask ourselves as we invest time, money, resources and energy into helping those in poverty: Are we doing so strategically?”

15 January, 2019
Podcast How churches can walk with those suffering and hurting Churches are well-positioned to be spiritual first responders to community tragedies. Merle Doherty, manager of the Rapid Response Team of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association of Canada, shares how we can do that well, even as individual Christians and friends. 23:39
06 February, 2019
Podcast The Evangelical Church in Vietnam: Beauty and resilience WEA Global Ambassador Brian Stiller visited Vietnam and reflects on the state of the Church in this beautiful country. 10:27