Podcast & Videos

Thoughtful, relevant conversations with Christian guests hosted by Faith Today senior editor Bill Fledderus and other team members.

31 May, 2017
Podcast Foul Mouthed and Faithful Faith Today article by senior writer Patricia Paddey 14:14
31 May, 2017
Podcast The Challenge of Gender Fluidity: How might the Church respond? Faith Today article by Sid Koop, Truth Matters Ministries 11:18
30 January, 2017
Podcast An Answer to Why Christianity Has Grown in Africa A dispatch by Brian Stiller, Global Ambassador of the World Evangelical Alliance 7:43
15 June, 2018
Podcast Unpacking the TWU decision: An early response from Earl Phillips of TWU law school Earl Phillips, director of TWU's hotly contested law school, offers an early response to the June 15 Supreme Court of Canada decision. "We know who we serve. We can trust in God," says Phillips. 10:04
20 November, 2018
Podcast What do we do when people leave the faith? Author and professor Paul Chamberlain discusses why people leave the faith and how we can best respond to their arguments against Christianity in this interview with Karen Stiller. 26:20
22 January, 2019
Podcast Is distracting technology damaging our capacity for concentration and contemplation? Modern devices and ancient disciplines: Are our devices shaping us in destructive ways? How is our spiritual life impacted by tech overload? This Faith Today article takes us inside these big, big questions. 7:51
11 February, 2019
Podcast How Christians use social media Dr. Nicholas Greco is Associate Professor of Communications & Media at Providence Theological Seminary in Otterburne, Manitoba. He is tweeting his way through the Catechism of the Catholic Church, among other very interesting projects. 22:59
26 February, 2019 Flowers for the Pastor's Wife
Podcast Flowers for the Pastor's Wife Flowers for the Pastor’s Wife is an online community created by and for pastors’ wives in rural and small-town North America. 20:39
04 March, 2019
Podcast What does it mean to be "spirit-filled?" An interview with Andrew Gabriel Andrew Gabriel is the author of a new book on the spirit-filled life and theology professor at Horizon. We dig into what a life in the spirit looks like, and how you can tell if you're living it. 23:50
05 April, 2019
Podcast Dion Oxford: Learning from a leader in the fight against homelessness in Canada Dion Oxford has journeyed for years with people experiencing homelessness in Canada. He shares what that has meant for him and his faith and life in this interview. A new book, Beyond Shelters: Solutions to Homelessness in Canada From the Front Lines has just been released. 25:02
29 March, 2019
Podcast Teach us to want Writer Jen Pollock Michel helps us examine our ways of wanting, and how God wants to give generously to us. Audio version of a Nov. 2016 article from Faith Today. 14:38
16 April, 2019
Podcast Celebrate Recovery: A look at this well-known ministry This Faith Today article from Jul/Aug 2016 highlights and profiles the ministry of Celebrate Recovery. 10:42
24 April, 2019
Podcast Global Christian Forum In the early years of this century, four Christian groups (Evangelical, Pentecostal, Roman Catholic and WCC) agreed to share concerns within a dialogue framed by love and devotion to Jesus. This dialog group would not make pronouncements or take actions. Instead, meeting every few years, we would face matters in an open and honest way about our respective witness. 6:49
23 April, 2019
Podcast Things are not what they once were In this Faith Today article, author and scholar Lee Beach explores the new position of the Church in Canadian culture, and how the Church can best respond. 11:23
07 May, 2019
Podcast What are we called to do in these times? An Interview With Anna Robbins, new president of Acadia Divinity College Dr. Anna Robbins has been named the seventh president of Acadia Divinity College. Far from discouraged at the position of the Church in today's culture, Anna calls us to a new level of optimistic engagement. 19:23
21 May, 2019
Podcast Still time: The beautiful grace of aging, community and friends One of our most popular articles, this reflection authored by Maxine Hancock examines the process of aging in a spiritually healthy and exceedingly positive way, full of joy and companionship. 15:05