Faith Today TV

Click below to watch episodes of Church in Community (congregational outreach examples worth copying) and the Faith Today Podcast (interviews with leaders and thinkers from the Canadian Christian community). There are also some short podcast excerpts called The Take Away Show. Thanks for watching! You can also watch our videos directly on YouTube @faithtodaycanada.

28 June, 2023 Church in community episode 103
Faith Today TV Connecting over guitars and making music together Kildonan Community Church in Winnipeg has found a creative way to show love to their neighbours by having a weekly evening guitar club where anyone can drop in to play music with the group. No preaching and lots of '60s, '70s and '80s rock. 6:17
17 May, 2023 Cathie Ostapchuk - Encouraging women in Canadian churches
Faith Today TV Encouraging women in Canadian churches Cathie Ostapchuk of Gather Women Canada speaks about her work mobilizing Canadian women to influence their world for Jesus Christ. 6:05
11 May, 2023 A Place to Go Ottawa - Church in Community Episode 102
Faith Today TV A weekly meal and a safe place in Ottawa St. Peter & St. Paul’s Anglican Church in Ottawa started providing sandwiches and soup, which slowly evolved into a weekly drop-in for people on a limited income and often dealing with loneliness and insecurity around food and housing. 11:35
11 May, 2023 Ann-Margret Hovsepian podcast
Faith Today TV How to bring out your creative side Ann-Margret Hovsepian, a Montreal author and illustrator, chats about the creative side each of us has been created with. 6:15
03 May, 2023 David Guretzki podcast
Faith Today TV New EFC president's vision for ministry David Guretzki reflects on how his gifts affect his new role as President and CEO of The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada. 3:14
27 April, 2023 Marjorie Thompson caregivers podcast
Faith Today TV Courage for caregivers Marjorie Thompson, a Presbyterian minister and author of Courage for Caregivers, offers reassuring and encouraging words on the spirituality of caregiving. 6:47
26 April, 2023 Church in community episode 101
Faith Today TV An invitation to prayer Could your church open its doors for people to drop by the sanctuary during the week, with guided prayer prompts if they want them? Nina Schuurman-Drenth, a pastoral intern at Eucharist Church in Hamilton, Ont., gives a tour of their prayer spaces. 5:42
26 April, 2023
Faith Today TV Mental health and the church Daniel Whitehead of Sanctuary Mental Health Ministries shares his journey with mental health and the Church, and casts a beautiful vision for all the Church could be. 3:25