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Leaving Christianity (Clarke & Macdonald). Resurrecting Religion (G. Paul). Faith, Life & Leadership: 8 Canadian Women. Business Simplified (M. Bell). Children of Blood and Bone (T. Adeyemi). Art by Annemarie Johnson.
Best writing of the year awarded. Reviews of Why You’re Here; The Bees of Rainbow Falls; Everything Happens for a Reason and Other Lies I’ve Loved; The Sun and Her Flowers. Art by Blaine Rancourt
The Problem of God, by Mark Clark. Rethinking Holiness, by Bernie Van De Walle. Exhale, by Thousand Foot Krutch. The Devout Life, by Roger Helland. Braving the Wilderness, by Brené Brown. Art by Ann Balch.
(Re)union, by Bruxy Cavey. In Other Worlds, by John D. Wilson. So Shall We Love, by Ali Matthews. The Turning Aside, by D. S. Martin. A Great Reckoning, by Louise Penny. Art by Robert McAffee