Check out our latest sample articles below. Subscribe today to get access to all our content. Now free in Canada!
Multicultural Hospitality. Practical lessons from urban church planters.
Caring for politicians in a harsh culture. A pastor and a politician point to a better way
The Joy of Walking in a Life of Faith. How a simple, everyday action helps us grow.
The Grace of Aging. The experience of growing old is as unique as we are.
Crisis Response. How your church can help when disaster or tragedy strikes in Canada.
When People Walk Away. A call to meaningful engagement with those who have turned away from the faith
Keeping the Faith. New Canadian research reveals strategies that can encourage youth to keep the faith after high school.
Survival Habits of the Soul. Slow down. Breathe deeply. It will be okay.
Life. Precious. Fragile. A gift. Supporting life from conception to nature death means tackling some difficult challenges head-on with - compassion and grace
The Healing Plate. Why food is central in Scripture, community & restoration
Reconciliation. What we need is a new story. A fresh beginning. Here is what we are called to do. And here is how we can do it
The Mystery of the Incarnation. Why God becoming fresh is the paramount teaching of the Christian faith
Welcoming Refugees. Waves of refugees fleeing South Sudan's turmoil have landed in camps across the border in northern Uganda. Faith Today went to see the situation firsthand.
A Mini-History of Evangelicalism in Canada. John G Stackhouse Jr. zips us through the decades form confederation to today.
Help Your Kids Embrace the Faith. Trading in picture-perfect faith for authentic experience with Jesus.