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22 November, 2016
Teach us to want: An invitation to holy desire


16 November, 2016
The FT Interview with Larry Worthen

Larry Worthen is executive director of the Christian Medical and Dental Society of Canada, an organization that has stepped up to try to protect the conscience rights of Canadian doctors who have religious objections ...

11 November, 2016
Creating a redemptive reality for the sexual minorities in our care

Gender fluidity is confusing and challenging to churches. How should we respond?

30 September, 2016
Foul-mouthed and faithful

Why are Christians swearing so much lately?

27 September, 2016
Don't turn away from suffering

What we learn as we walk with people in distress

22 July, 2016
Tackling addictions and harmful habits

Celebrate Recovery program helps participants "do business with the Lord"

29 June, 2016
Artful discipleship

How the arts can help in spiritual formation

28 February, 2016
Entrevue FT : Patti Miller

Patti Miller est pasteure principale récemment nommée à la plus importante congrégation de langue anglaise au Québec.

28 February, 2016
Alors et maintenant: Charles Foster et Marc Pilon

Les expériences de Charles Foster et Marc Pilon font ressortir les défis uniques du travail d’évangélisation dans la Belle Province du Canada.

30 September, 2015
Clean water in Cambodia

A 12-day trip in Cambodia brings clean water – and some insights on short-term mission trips

29 September, 2015
Hearing the truth, working for reconciliation

Evangelical leaders reflect on the TRC report.

15 September, 2015
Ministry in Canada's poorest postal code

Faith Today visits Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside to understand what it is like to minister in this hard, hard place.

02 September, 2015
In search of … adequacy

Meeting the challenges of our time with intellectual rigour

02 July, 2015
Le Québec a sa propre grande église mondiale

À contre-courant, Nouvelle Vie s’étend à travers le monde