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13 July, 2022
Podcasting as a community-building exercise

Commons Church, Calgary, rose to the challenge of creating a podcast that would knit a community together.

28 April, 2022
Visiting, sharing, bringing hope

Tapestry Church in Richmond, B.C., has found a way to share time, treats and presence with those experiencing homelessness.

27 February, 2022
An invitation to prayer

Pastoral intern Nina Schuurman-Drenth explains her church's creative way to love their neighbours by opening a prayer room.

03 June, 2021
Community rink breaks ice-olation

Grimsby church and community form lasting connections through initiative

07 December, 2020
Settling the newcomers

North Park Community Church in London, Ont., welcomes refugees and settles newcomers to life in Canada as a regular part of its ministry.

19 October, 2020
Art as a blessing

Lake Ridge Community Church in Chestermere, Alta., is using art to cheer up its city.

17 July, 2020
Welcoming the nations through English language classes

Sunday mornings, students from the world over sharpen their English alongside volunteers at Gateway Church in Winnipeg as part of the church’s English as an Additional Language program.

01 June, 2020
A place to go for the marginalized in downtown Ottawa

St. Peter & St. Paul’s Anglican Church in Ottawa offers a weekly meal and a safe place. During COVID-19 they began distributing bagged meals every Friday evening.

03 April, 2020
Offering a dance studio to the community

From Sunday afternoon to Wednesday evening, the Church of God–Moose Jaw stacks its chairs and becomes a dance studio.

03 February, 2020
Homes and meals for refugees

New Hope Community Services began in Surrey, B.C., in 2004 with the purpose of assisting newcomer refugees.