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18 February, 2025
Reconciliation opportunities with Tibetans and Uyghurs in Canada

CY Yan knows what it is to be a displaced person. He came from Hong Kong to Canada more than 30 years ago.

17 December, 2024
Life in wartime: Reflections on a recent trip to Ukraine

Phil Wagler of Kelowna, B.C., is global director of the World Evangelical Alliance Peace and Reconciliation Network. He shares what he learned on a fall trip to a country at war.

15 August, 2024
Apology part of peace in the Philippines

Christians in the Philippines who apologized to Muslims have seen surprising positive results, reports Aldrin Penamora in a recent conversation on the All Things Reconciled podcast.

15 May, 2024
Refugee in Canada supports potlucks of peace in Afghanistan

What started with eight Christians in Luke Anwari’s Afghanistan apartment in 2011 has grown to 450 men and women together from different clans in what is otherwise a segregated society.

22 February, 2024
B.C. First Nation and nearby church journey together

About 100 km east of Vancouver, the Cheam First Nation and Sardis Community Church report on a seven-year journey of reconciliation

12 December, 2023
Canadian Christians in united prayer bring hope and encouragement to believers in Ukraine

A response to a Nov. 16 online event called Praying Together: A Christian Response to the War in Ukraine.

24 November, 2023
A third-day third-way people

The nations are crying out for a solution to a cascade of calamities. Dare we say this is a good news moment? Indeed it is, because of the Resurrection and the third way of the Kingdom of God.

06 October, 2023
An evangelical approach to peace and reconciliation

As local and global conflicts increase, processes of peace and reconciliation are crucial for creating a better future for all people, the societies they create and inhabit, and the whole of creation. The Peace and Re...

04 August, 2023
Church supports newcomers turning hurt into healing

How a church in Orangeville, Ont., is using trauma training to equip their team to respond to people who suffer

01 June, 2023
My journey towards the whole, peacemaking and reconciling Good News of Jesus

Meet Joel Zantingh, the new Canadian coordinator of the Peace and Reconciliation Network.

18 April, 2023
Palm Sunday in Jerusalem

Salim Munayer, a resident of Jerusalem and regional Peace and Reconciliation Network coordinator, reflects on the 2023 procession.

30 March, 2023
We are those who mourn

Every person who dies in war is one too many. A call to make the first Sunday after Easter a day of mourning for victims of war.

22 February, 2023
A Christian response at one year of war in Ukraine

February 24, 2023 marks one year since Russia’s expanded invasion of Ukraine. Canadians Phil Wagler and Vern Neufeld Redekop reflect. (Words on photo read: "Stop war.")

09 February, 2023
Do you know what is happening in Armenia?

Craig Simonian of the Peace and Reconciliation Network helps explain the current suffering of Armenians in Artsakh.