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Saskatchewan ministry encourages intergenerational relationships
Generosity on the road to reconciliation
Canada Institute of Linguistics continues to grow
As you plan your gift giving for Christmas this year, consider purchasing a gift for a loved one through one of the many charitable gift catalogues available to Canadians.
Conversation Café network grows
An abundance of surplus food delivered to Ontario charities
Tyndale initiative serves entrepreneurs
Removing barriers to faith for curious young adults
Roger and Joan Short’s small group in Ottawa has met regularly for over half a century.
January event in Ottawa shows what is possible
Generosity and vision define new chapter
Most music flows from one major source
Church program focuses on practical skills
Bethanee Jensen owns and operates Shepherd’s Fold, a sheep farm near Belgrave, Ont. Faith Today writer Amy Gabriel asked her how her work gives her perspective on Psalm 23.
Eight-month program after high school